I thought you killed yourself… that wasn’t you?

That funny line from one of my favorite movies, Garden State, brings me to a very short, equal parts shocking and intriguing, post. Remember how back in june I was all “fuck this shit, man”, when the assassination of a fellow guatemalan, lawyer Rodrigo Rosenberg, made global headlines? The international aid commission that oversaw the investigation came to this conclusion: Rosenberg’s homicide was orchestrated by himself. If your spanish is in shape, you might benefit from this document, which was presented yesterday at a press conference, and summarizes the comission’s verdict.


Filed under crime, everyday, film, Guatemala, journalism, life, politics, violence

4 responses to “I thought you killed yourself… that wasn’t you?

  1. michael mullins

    They’re having a lend of us.

    Obvious murder.

    • This is one of those cases where you feel as if something’s not quite right… thanks for your comment. I’m now blogging at theduffboy.wordpress.com btw!

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